A Bird Behavior Quiz

 A realtor’s ad for this birdhouse might read:

10 inch x 8 inch x 15 inch one room living space w/ 3” entrance hole.

This the home

This the home

Wall covering installed by last resident.

The floor covering is white pine shavings installed by human caretaker.

This east facing home is located 15 feet above the ground on a power pole.

Location, location, location

Location, location, location

The home overlooks 40 acres of hay covered rolling hills.

Small marsh w/dragon flies and sparrows nearby.

June/July 2016 resident successfully raised 4 fledglings.

Many additional utility poles and miles of power lines are adjacent,  from which to stalk mice scurrying around on the ground.

eggs and hatchling

eggs and hatchling

Attached are photos of the house and its lovely location, the most recent resident’s hatchling (on the left of the eggs), and the house’s interior.

Interior of vacated home

Interior of vacated home

Have I given you enough information to guess who these recent residents were?

Questions?   You can reach me at lvanwago@charter.net

Click on the “read more” for the answer. (Also, click on any of the photos for a larger view.)

Answer:  The most recent residents were American Kestrels.

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