Upcoming Potluck

An informal meeting is tentatively planned for 4:30 pm on Tuesday, August 20th, 2024 at East Tawas City Park Pavilion. (This park is on US 23 in Tawas, South of the campground and across from Kentucky Fried Chicken.) This is usually a potluck so if you attend bring a dish to pass along with your own place setting. You can join our organization and pay your dues at this meeting $15 for single, $20 for family.

In past years we move across the street at sunset to watch chimney swifts as they enter chimneys at the County Building or at the hospital.

Hope to see you there.

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Bird Friendly Garden Plants

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Tawas Point Event Announcement

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Migration Days: Spring Warbler Guides

Last year Tropical Birding Tours sent us Spring Warbler Guides that were distributed at our welcome tent.  These full-color guides were in very high demand last year because new birders found them valuable to identify the many warblers at Tawas Point.  We are thrilled to announce that Tropical Birding Tours again provided these valuable guides for migration days.  Look for them at the AuSable Valley Audubon welcome tent.

Wholehearted thank you to Tropical Birding Tours for their generous donation. You can learn more about them at tropicalbirding.com

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April 2023 AVA member meeting

April’s AVA member meeting will be on Tuesday, April 11, at 7 pm in the evening at the Oscoda/AuSable Senior Center, 653 State St SW, Oscoda Mi  48750.In Oscoda/AuSable from US 23:At the intersection of US 23 (south of the bridge over the AuSable River) and Smith St(Smith St intersects US 23  at the AuSable Chamber of Commerce and Shoreline Park)Turn west on Smith StreetDrive west on Smith Street to State Street SW,   turn south (left) and drive to 653 State Street SW

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AuSable Valley Audubon
May 12th & 13th 2023
Tawas Point State Park

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May 12th & 13th 2023
Tawas Point State Park

Tree planting at Tawas Point Park

Tree planting at Tawas Point State Park April 30, 2022

AuSable Valley Audubon continued its third year of tree planting at Tawas Point State Park this year. The first year we planted 100 jack pine seedlings along the two-track out to the point. Last year we planted 12 4-5’ white and red oaks in the campground and this year we again planted in the campground: 10 3-4’ linden or basswood trees. Larry VanWagoner picked up the trees we special ordered from the Alcona County Conservation District tree sale. They were all in good shape except for one tree with no roots longer than an inch. The others had roots up to two feet long. We planted them all and will keep our fingers crossed on the first one.

Six AVA volunteers planted along with four park staff members. Most of the holes were in pure sand below the sod. A couple lucky trees actually had dirt in the hole. After planting we mulched each tree with wood chips while Larry made a wire cage held up by rerod – mainly to make the trees more visible to campers backing up trailers. Then a kitty litter container with two holes in the bottom was placed inside the cage and filled with water. Larry and his wife, Sue Duncan, have agreed to water the trees again this year – weekly! It’s quite a commitment on their part. We’re anxiously waiting for the trees to leaf out so we know they’re alive. – Patsy Mortimer

Park staff and AVA volunteers plant basswood trees in the campground at Tawas Point State Park.

Pictured: Staff, Kathleen Swindlehurst, Tim Morand, Dee Morand, Staff, Staff

John Gontarek and Larry Van Wagoner put final touches on the cage for the basswood tree which has wood chip mulch and a slow-release watering bucket, AKA a kitty litter container.
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Highway Trash Pickup

On 4/27/2022 these hardy 19 AuSable Valley Audubon volunteers, picked 22 bags of highway trash along M-55 west of Tawas.

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Oak tree planting at Tawas point

12 oak trees planted at TAwas Point State Park loop #3 on Sat. May 8. Thanks to 8 hard working members.

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Bill Roth 23 April had some nice sightings today. I traveled down to Pinconning Park and Nayanquing Pt in Linwood . A Wilson’s Snipe, a Great Horned Owl with Owlets in an old Baldie nest (very hard to photo because over 1/4 mile away), Blue winged Teal ( many), Flock of 15 American White Pelicans, Yellowlegs and something I never expected, a Tri colored Heron. Didn’t realize how small they are. I saw it feeding along bay shore and then it flew up onto a dead ash. Was posing for me for several minutes and able to get very close to the Heron. If anyone is traveling downstate, try to hit this area right now, many birds. Just contact me and will give you directions and try to be of help.

Photo by Bill Roth
Photo by Bill Roth
Photo by Bill Roth
Photo by Bill Roth
Photo by Bill Roth

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