501c3 Charitable Organization Donations and Grants Information

AuSable Valley Audubon, Inc. is a 501c3 organization.  We are dedicated to preserving the nature of Michigan for birds and people.

Donating to AuSable Valley Audubon

Charitable Giving

Here is some information for you to save on your taxes and also contribute to the development of AuSable Valley Audubon.

  1. AuSable Valley Audubon is a 501(c)(3) organization that is qualified to receive tax-deductible contributions. We can also receive tax-deductible bequests, transfers or gifts. Therefore, gifts or money received by Dec. 31, 2015 qualify the giver for a tax-deduction as provided by law. PLEASE consider AVA in your 2015 charitable contributions.
  2. Look at your stock portfolio to see if you have appreciated stock or mutual fund shares to use for charitable giving. Not only will you be entitled to a charitable deduction, but you will avoid the capital gains tax (15-20%) that you would owe if you sold the shares. Make sure you have owned the stocks for more than one year. Stock gifts from a brokerage account can be transferred in just a few days, but mutual funds may take a few weeks, so start the process now to qualify for a 2015 deduction.
  3. Check old US Savings Bonds to see if they have stopped earning interest. If you have some of these bonds, redeem them and use the proceeds to make a gift to AVA. The charitable deduction should more than offset the interest you would have to report.

Charitable contributors to AVA will receive a letter indicating the amount and the date of the contribution as documentation for your tax records. Please contact a professional for specific information about the deductibility of your contribution. Thank you for giving us your serious consideration.

Grant Recommendations

Should you or your organization have a recommendation for the AVA board to consider, please complete and return the recommendation form here: AVA grant Recommendation Form