AuSable Valley Audubon, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) organization
Become a Member of AuSable Valley Audubon
To become a member, fill out the AVA MembershipApplication and submit it to our Treasurer.
AuSable Valley Audubon
Dawn Hooper, Treasurer
2414 N. US Hwy 23
Oscoda, MI 48750
Make your check payable to AuSable Valley Audubon ($15 per person or $20 per family). Annual membership payments are due on September 1st each year. When nearing the end of the billing year, multiple year payments will be accepted, and your membership will be credited.
If you want to join our Members-Only page in Facebook, go to AuSable Valley Audubon Members Group, fill out the questions and ask to join. Any issues, send a direct message to our Secretary, Amy Cook Kohlhepp in Facebook or call 517-489-7879.
Thank you for joining.