- Yellow Throated Warbler has been spotted in Oscoda at a Private Feeder (November 30th, 2024), sighting shared by Julia Vallier, top photo by Jason Shaw showing the warbler in snow (12/7/24); lower photo by Amy Kohlhepp (12/08/24)

- Snowy Owl was seen at the AuSable River Mouth on Sunday, November 24th. Sighting by Mike Fullerton and Jason Shaw. Photo by Amy Kohlhepp
Sighting from Jim Kirchner (Posted November 13, 2024)

Sightings from Bill Roth (Posted July 18, 2024)
- Bobolink. This season I have seen many Bobolinks in area fields.
- Photos of Black Bellied Plover and American Golden Plover at Tawas Point (mature adults of each species).
- One of our area’s Piping Plovers.
- A very nice group of Whimbrels at Tawas Point (over 130), these shorebirds fly 1,000’s of miles and often rest and feed at Tawas Point.
- — Bill Roth (July 19, 2024)

Sightings from Bill Roth & Amy Kohlhepp (Posted July 17, 2024)
Galion and Sherman Road Grasslands in Tawas were a hot spot in late June 2024 for the rare Dickcissel, along with bobolink aplenty and a few sedge wrens. There was even a bald eagle standing sentry in the field.