We were able to schedule a replacement program after Thunder Bay had to cancelled the November 7 meeting.
AuSable Valley Audubon will meet on Wednesday, November 8 at 1:00 p.m. at the R.J. Parks Library in Oscoda.
Larry VanWagoner and Sue Duncan will present a timely program on Sandhill Cranes.
Also check out the Michigan Audubon update on the status of the Resolution pending before the Natural Resources Commission to allow a fall hunting season for Sandhill Cranes and actions you can take to discourage adoption.
Join us for lunch at G’s in Oscoda at 11:30 prior to the meeting on November 8! Call Sue at 989-362-2522 or email her at smcunc@charter.net by 6:00 p.m. Tuesday if you will be coming to the lunch.