Recognizing Ed Cole for his Contributions to AuSable Valley Audubon as part of the 45th Anniversary Celebration
Ed joined the AuSable Valley Audubon about 12 years ago –when he was in his mid-80’s! Since then he has been an active member attending meetings, going on field trips, providing ideas and acute comments, participating in spotted knapweed pulls at Tawas Point State Park, joining in garlic mustard pulls, and working as part of our “road crew” on the M-55 Road Clean-Ups.
Some of his specific contributions include:
- Establishing the Oscoda Circle for the Christmas Bird Count along with Cory Gildersleeve in 2007 and working for several years along with Larry VanWagoner in organizing the annual Oscoda Circle Bird Counts.
- Heading up a two year survey of wildflowers within the AuSable Valley Audubon territory along with Emily Kemnitz and Jean Howard. Printing the list on Excel of the over 370 species identified.
- Serving as a leader or an assistant leader for the Flower Walk event of the Tawas Point Birding Festival.
- Writing and publishing for more than three years a bi- monthly newsletter, the AuSable Valley Audubon Trumpeter.
- Monitoring and filing official reports on Sandhill Crane migrations at Tuttle Marsh for 2017 and prior years.
Ed was presented with gifts of a bird feeder and seed as part of the recognition.